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Featured Reads
For our customers: Product roadmap sneak peek
Restaurant Payroll 101
Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.

Know how your workers really feel

Make collecting worker feedback easy and automatic so you can keep workers engaged (and less likely to turnover!)


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lockup (38)

Trusted by more than 20,000 companies
milestone moments

Tap into milestone moments

Understand how key moments in a worker's journey are going, from the first day to the last day.

  • Check-in on new hires with onboarding surveys that automatically send after the first 90 days

  • Send and analyze exit surveys to understand how to improve the worker experience

  • Build and customize your own surveys for all your feedback needs

worker sentiment using workstream

Get a pulse on worker sentiment

Automatically send surveys on a recurring basis to check in on worker satisfaction and address concerns before they lead to turnover.

  • Adjust send frequency according to your needs

  • Customize recipient groups by location and department

  • Ensure anonymity of your survey participants

Learn more  ›

measure results using workstream

Measure results and take action

View all survey results in one centralized location to understand holistically how your workers are feeling.

  • See how specific locations, departments, and managers are performing

  • Compare results to identify improvement opportunities


Build transparency and trust with your workers.

Hear from our customers

Become an HR expert

person typing on laptop

7 ways to show appreciation for deskless workers

young woman smiling

How to improve employee engagement

people having a meeting on a table

How to hire and retain Gen Z workers

Drive retention through engagement.

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